RAY MULLIGAN - DIRECTOR & MORTGAGE ADVISORray.mulligan@zenithfinancial.co.nz



SUE AITKEN - MORTGAGE ADVISORsue.aitken@zenithfinancial.co.nz




Zenith Financial Group refers all clients that require mortgage advice to Zenith Mortgages Limited (FSP768817). Zenith Mortgages Limited is a separate company and holds it’s own Financial Advice Provider licence. Zenith Mortgages Limited has the the same directors as Zenith Financial Group as well as Ray Mulligan. If you have any questions about this relationship, please contact us.


Borrowing money for a home or business project can be complicated and time consuming. Let our mortgage & lending advisers at Zenith guide you through the process to achieve the best outcome with the best lender.

Home Loans

Our home loan is a large and often long-term financial commitment, so it makes sense to get it right first time. What's right for you will depend on a range of factors including the size of the loan you require, the property you intend to purchase, the deposit you have and your lifestyle.

First Home Buyers

As a first home buyer, to find a good home loan you should investigate both your home loan options and government grants and entitlements you may be eligible for. With interest rates low and property becoming more affordable, first home buyers are in the best buying position they have ever been in. 


Many people refinance to get a better rate, consolidate debt, renovate or free up equity. If you're thinking of refinancing, it's important to weigh up the cost of refinancing against the long term benefits.

Investment Loans

There’s a lot to know about investments, such as how to choose the best investment loan that meets your needs and goals. A good investment loan can make property investment a much smoother process.

Self Employed

Often, self-employed borrowers find meeting the lending criteria for standard home loans difficult. Business cash-flows create income that fluctuates more significantly than other borrowers. Business owners looking for home and business loans do have competitive loan options available to them.

Bridging Loans

As the name suggests, a bridging loan ‘bridges the gap’ between two home loans. Bridging home loans are a good way to buy a new property before the sale of your existing home.

Land and Construction Loans

Land and construction loan provides funding for building property or extensive renovations so you have the lowest possible repayments during the construction phase.

Personal Loans

You might want to go on a holiday, buy new furniture, pay for a course or medical expenses, or even plan your wedding. A personal loan is a good way to get the extra funds you need. Find out more about the types of personal loans.